The uniform at The Castle School is all year round; we do not have a separate summer/winter uniform. All uniform is required, unless stated below (for example, for some PE items). On very hot days in the summer, we will have 'shirt sleeve order'. On these days, students can come to school without their blazer and tie or in PE kit, but this is only acceptable when the Headteacher emails parents/carers via email and social media. Specific dates will be given.

School BOTTLE GREEN BLAZER with The Castle School emblem. A bottle green v- neck or crew neck jumper (not sweatshirt) may be worn under the blazer. Year 11 students are permitted to wear a black vneck or crew neck jumper (not sweatshirt) as an alternative to the school blazer. The black jumper should be plain and not have any form of logo, symbol or emblem.

WHITE TRADITIONAL SHIRT - not polo shirt or sports shirt (a plain, white T-shirt may be worn under the shirt). Shirts must be tucked in.

SCHOOL TIE IN THE APPROPRIATE HOUSE COLOUR (phased in for new students admitted to the school from September 2021).



Corduroy trousers or shorts, denim or cotton/canvas jeans, hipster

or skinny fit style trousers and trousers or shorts made from “stretchy” fabric are not permitted. Skirts must be knee-length, pleated and should be purchased Taunton Uniforms, East Reach, Taunton*. Shorts must be knee-length, traditional school trouser material.

*Skirts may be purchased from alternative suppliers as long as they meet the uniform standard.


PLAIN SOCKS - not brightly coloured. Black or flesh-coloured tights may be worn.


PLAIN BLACK SHOES – All shoes must have a decent sole. Shoes must be smart in appearance and should be leather or leather-type. Trainer-type smart shoes are permitted as long as they are plain black with no tags on the laces. Boots are not permitted.

  • School RUGBY SHIRT** or school SWEATSHIRT
  • School or plain black SHORTS or SKORTS
  • Long, black football SOCKS
  • Plain, black, full length LEGGINGS (optional)
  • School DANCE TOP (optional)
  • Plain, black TRACKSUIT BOTTOMS (optional)
  • GUM SHIELD (strongly recommended) 

** Required when playing rugby as part of the curriculum. Boys currently play rugby as part of the curriculum. Rugby shirts are optional for students playing rugby for enrichment (after-school clubs).


  • Jewellery - students who have pierced ears may wear one pair of studs only - no other jewellery, including any other facial or body piercings, may be worn to school. Jewellery, of any sort, must not be worn whilst taking part in PE or Dance.
  • Shirts must always be tucked neatly into trousers, skirts or shorts.
  • Outdoor coats: We suggest that coats should have some reflective properties for safety so that students are visible in poor or dark weather conditions. Denim coats/jackets are not permitted. Plain scarves may be worn to and from school. Outdoor coats and scarves should not be worn within the school building.
  • Hoodies are absolutely forbidden, apart from the Leavers’ hoodies which are a special Year 11 privilege. All hoodies will be confiscated and returned at the end of the school day.
  • Make-up – coloured nail varnish and heavy make-up are not permitted.
  • Hair - Hair dyed in unnatural colours is not permitted. Extremes of hairstyle are not permitted.

May I take this opportunity to remind you that school uniform is an important standard at The Castle School and we would appreciate if you made sure that trousers, skirts and shoes meet that standard – that is no Lycra skirts or trousers, or jeans, or anything stretchy or clingy. Skirts must be worn on the knee and can be purchased from Taunton Uniform on East Reach, in Taunton. Skirts may be purchased from alternative suppliers as long as they meet the uniform standard.

Shoes must be black leather or leather-type. Please see our ‘suitable footwear’ page for more specific guidance and clarity, with examples of what is and is not acceptable.


Purchasing Uniform

South West Schoolwear supplies our uniform. Our local store is based on East Reach, Taunton.


Please follow the link below to shop online.


Surplus or grown out of uniform (clean and in good condition), can either be donated to the school, passed onto friends or family or you could arrange to sell it. 


Second-hand Uniform Sales is a site where you can buy or sell second-hand uniform.  This is similar to an ebay site but does not charge commission.  When you sell your items, you can request for part or all of the purchase price to be donated to our school.   


SUITABLE FOOTWEAR - The Castle School – September 2022


PLAIN BLACK SHOES – with a proper sole, low heel with sufficient support by not being cut too low along the instep and proper grip at the heel. Shoes must fit firmly.  Shoes should be traditional, smart, leather or leather type. Footwear that is canvas is not permitted as well as obvious trainer style.

Suitable footwear


Boots, canvas shoes, thin ballet pumps without a proper sole are not acceptable. These types of footwear are prohibited as they are not smart or professional in the school environment and do not match the criteria set out above. 


Brand-specific information:

Trainer-type shoes are permitted as long as they are plain black with no tags on the laces. Footwear that is leather or leather-type and all black are permitted.

Refusal to wear uniform correctly is defiance of school rules and will be sanctioned accordingly. If you have any trouble trying to persuade your teenager that it is not the case that 'everyone else wears them’, please do not hesitate in giving us a call. We are always happy to help however we can.


Please make sure your child has appropriate footwear for the astro. More detail here.