Pastoral Houses

Welcome to the community which makes up The Castle School.  We take pride in the fact that, although the school has doubled its population since opening in 1966, it has never lost sight of the importance of the individual.  This is in part due to our House system, which effectively puts in place six small schools within the school.  Second and third-generation students may find themselves placed in the same House as former students from their family.  Our belief in the importance of good home-school contacts is in this way reflected and strengthened.  You will find our House and Academic staff (the two roles are never entirely separate) approachable and keen to work with parents and students to make the most of these important five years.


A student's first contact in school is most likely to be with the Form Tutor or Head of House.  All students are allotted to one of the six Houses.  These Houses and the Heads of House are:


Balmoral (Green) Mr T Hawkins

Buckingham (Red) Mrs S Lambert

Caernarfon (Mauve) Mrs M Norris

Lancaster (Orange) Miss C Curno

Sandringham (Yellow) Mr P Crawford

Windsor (Blue) Mr M Owen


Each child is a member of a House and he or she will spend a part of each school day with the Tutor Group for that year.  The Form Tutor will normally stay with the Tutor Group for the full five years, and thus continuity is achieved.  A significant contribution to each child's education is made by the Heads of House; they will establish links with the home and, since all members of a family will be placed in the same House, these links often extend over many years, and sometimes over many generations of students.


It is the responsibility of the Form Tutors to look after the general welfare of the individuals in their form and to supervise their general school progress.


Different coloured House ties and badges are features of the House organisation, and each child will almost certainly represent his/her House competitively at various times each year.